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Road Closures and Construction Projects

Road Closures

Keep up-to-date on road closures and construction work on roads that are under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of North Perth through the Municipal 511 website.


Project Details

*All dates are to be confirmed and will be updated on the site once Contractors have finalized their schedules. 

Road Construction

  • The Asphalt Resurfacing Program is an annual program included in the Public Works Capital Budget involving pulverization, rebuilding and paving operations.
    • Line 89 from Road 146 to County Road 9 (July 2022 - September 2022)
    • Line 88 from Road 152 to west limit of Wallaceville (completion from 2021 project, Completed June 2022)
    • Line 81 from Road 158 to west of Britton (Completed July 2022)

Pavement Preservation

  • These treatments involve a variety of slurry seals, fibremats, padding and chip and seal products. All of these products look to maintain existing roads and extend their travelling life prior to the road section is rebuilt. 
  • This years project will involve
    • Line 89 from Road 165 to Road 178 (Beginning Thursday, August 11, 2022)
    • The road will remain open but please expect delays. Please remember to drive slowly in construction areas and obey traffic control staff. 
  • Please drive cautiously after the chip has been placed and watch for loose stone signs that are posted in repair areas. These signs will be posted as the conditions are similar to those of loose gravel during the first weeks of placement.
Line 89 Reconstruction: 

Paving is scheduled to begin the week of September 19, 2022.


Line 89 ReconstructionLine 89 PavingLine 89 PavingLine 89 Resurfacing


Line 81 Paving Operations:

Line 81 PavingLine 81 Paving

Line 88 Paving Operations:

Line 88 PavingLine 88 Paving Operations

Chip and seal work

Tentatively to start mid-June and is expected to be completed by November. Moorefield Construction will be conducting the work, the inspection and engineering is being provided by GEI Consultants.

PIC Information - January 4, 2024

PIC Information - January 11, 2024


Tree Information

Project Details:

Starts the week of June 19th and is expected to be completed by the 1st week of October.

Kurtis Smith Construction will be conducting the work, the inspection and engineering is provided by GM Blueplan.

Elma Ave W

Project Details: 

Starts tentatively the week of July 17th and is expected to be completed by the 2nd week of October.

Moorefield Construction will be conducting the work, the inspection and engineering is being provided by Triton Engineering.

Elm Ave N

Starting mid-June and is expected to be completed by late summer.  Omega Contractors Inc. Will be conducting the work, the inspection and engineering is being provided by GEI Consultants.

Project Details

  • Servicing of David Street, Walton Avenue, Davidson Avenue and Sanitary Pump Station construction at David and Davidson Avenue
  • Open house was held on March 30th, 2022  
  • Tendering in May 2022
  • Construction anticipated to start in 2022 and to continue to Fall 2023. 
  • Northeast Master Plan 

Federal Gas Tax Signage

March 2023

Sanitary Pump Station ConstructionNEMP Construction

November 2022

Photo of on-site signage

 Photo of equipment

Excavation work for the stormwater management pond

Stormwater Management Pond Excavation

The Municipality of North Perth is undertaking a Servicing Master Plan for stormwater, wastewater and water servicing in the communities of Listowel and Atwood. The Master Plan was initiated in late 2021, investigation and surveying of assets is continuing in the data gathering phase. Existing and future needs for infrastructure as the two communities will be understood through the project that is expected for completion in 2023. Upon completion, the Master Plan will serve as a strategic document, and identify infrastructure upgrades or expansions to support continued growth and address existing deficiencies. 

The Master Plan Process

The Servicing Master Plan is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document, dated October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015 under the Environmental Assessment Act. Master Plan studies incorporate Phases 1 & 2 of the Class EA process (identification of the problem or opportunity, and evaluation of alternative solutions) and also includes consultation with the general public, community stakeholders, government review agencies and Indigenous communities. The process has just been initiated. There will be additional opportunities for public comment and input as the process moves forward. 

Public Involvement

Public consultation is a key component of this study. Initial comments are welcome at this time. As a part of the consultation component of this project, a public information meeting will be held during the course of the study. Details regarding the public meeting will be provided in a future notice. Any comments collected will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public records. 

For further information on this project, please contact the consulting engineers: B.M. Ross and Associates Ltd., 62 North Street, Goderich Ontario, N7A 2T4 (519) 524-2641 Attention: Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner, Email: For information from the municipality contact Lyndon Kowch, Manager of Operations at

North Perth has been developing a long-term strategy to strengthen and support the transportation network within the community. The North Perth Transportation Master Plan (NPTMP) will provide a vision and policy framework for a complete transportation system that will meet travel demands to 2041 in a manner that is sustainable and compatible with future growth. The study will identify the Road Network Hierarchy, assess future needs including truck routing and active transportation corridors as well as recommend needed policy and comment on the phasing and costs of recommended solutions. The study will follow the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act) and align with the Municipality’s Corporate Strategic Plan, land use plans, and other policies. The need for a Truck Route was identified through the NPTMP and is now a separated project where the evaluation of alternatives and a recommendation on a preferred option is now part of this project.

  • Initial review and the first round of Consultation and findings have been conducted (completed)
  • Assessment and Development of alternatives are being finalized (in progress, Council has asked for a Bypass selection to be included in the NPTMP)
  • A final round of Consultation is being planned for June 2022 
  • A parallel Study on Traffic and Pedestrian usage and potential traffic calming on Wallace Avenue South was completed ad implemented in 2021. 
  • Final Presentations on the Truck Route Recommendations and the Transportation Master Plan are expected to be presented to Council in late 2022.

 Presentation Information:

North Perth TMP - FAQ - 2024

York Ave. N (McDonald St E to the dead end)

Nelson Ave. N (Main St W. to Elma St W.)

Asphalt milling and paving from Elma St. W to Kincaid St W

Tentatively to start late-August and is expected to be completed by November. Armstrong Paving and Materials Group Ltd. will be conducting the work, the inspection and engineering is being provided by GEI Consultants.


PIC Information Package 

York, Nelson, John - Letter 


Project Details

  • The demolition of building has been completed. After surveys and public consultation, a park development report was completed for this property. Council directed staff to prepare a fundraising plan for their consideration, to offset costs for this project. Work on the fundraising plan is ongoing.

  • Construction has began and is estimated to be completed by Fall 2024. 

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