To be eligible for any of the Financial Incentive Programs that may be offered by the Municipality, the following General Eligibility Criteria must be met:
- The lands and buildings subject to an application must be located within the CIPA designated by by-law for this CIP.
- Only existing or proposed housing that is designated for residential use and marketed to be rental affordable or attainable housing, in accordance with the Perth County Official Plan and the definition section of this plan, will be eligible for Financial Incentives.
- All projects must contribute to achieving one or more community improvement objectives (as identified in Section 3).
- All projects must contribute to achieving more attainable and/or affordable housing within the Municipality of North Perth and the value of the grant associated with each of the financial incentive programs offered within this CIP will be proportional to the number of purpose-built affordable/attainable dwelling units on a given property.
- All proposed projects must result in some level of improvement or rehabilitation over the existing conditions and will not simply represent a life cycle replacement.
- Unless otherwise specified, registered owners, assessed owners, and tenants (with written consent of the owner) of private land or buildings may be eligible for Financial Incentives.
- The total value of all grants provided to an owner/tenant shall in no case exceed the total value of Eligible costs associated with the community improvement project.
- Unless otherwise specified in the Program Specific Eligibility Criteria, an applicant may be eligible for multiple grants during the term of this CIP; however, the total combined value of grants provided by the Municipality in any 24-month period shall not exceed $20,000 per project and/or property (or the total value of eligible costs, whichever is less). This excludes programs that defer or waive monies, including the TIEG and DC Rebate Program.
- Financial incentives will not be applied retroactively to works started prior to approval of applications and any application for costs incurred prior to the adoption of this CIP will not be considered eligible.
- The property owner must have no outstanding property tax arrears or any other outstanding Municipal obligation on the subject property at the time of application or during the term of the grant.
- Applicants will be required to disclose all other funding sources, including governmental, private, or not-for-profit funding to support the project. These shall be taken into consideration in the review of applications and the value of incentives provided by the Municipality may be reduced, at the sole discretion of Council.
- The proposed works will conform with all applicable policies, standards, and procedures, including (but not limited to) the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, in addition to being subject to a review and the issuance of necessary planning and development approvals and building permits pursuant to the Ontario Building Code.
- Residential units developed under this Plan must be maintained as affordable or attainable for a minimum period of 20 years. An agreement between the Municipality and the owner will be required and the agreement will be registered on title. The minimum period of time can be extended by the Municipality or at Council’s discretion and will be confirmed through the application and approval process.
- If a property or building containing purpose-built attainable rental dwelling units that were developed through the financial incentive programs of this Plan is sold, in whole or in part, the new owner of the property or building must enter into the same agreement with the Municipality ensuring the dwelling unit(s) remain attainable for the duration in accordance with the original agreement. For clarity, the registered owner will remain entitled to the program incentives. In addition, any outstanding payments owed to the Municipality (e.g. taxes, permit fees, etc.) will be the responsibility of the current owner(s) regardless of the original applicant. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the financial incentive program benefits and any outstanding or deferred fees in favour of the land owner will be collected by the Municipality.
- An attainable dwelling unit developed under this Plan shall not be permitted to be used for a short-term accommodation. For full clarity, financial incentive program administered through this Plan shall not be used for the development or redevelopment of a residential dwelling unit for the purpose of short-term accommodation. This policy shall be given affect through an agreement that is registered on title.
In addition to these General Eligibility Criteria, a set of Program Specific Eligibility Criteria must also be met, which are outlined in the description of Financial Incentives.