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Sports and Recreation

Sports and Recreation

Program Registration and Payment through Univerus Software

(Univerus Registration Software)


Financial Aid

We believe every child should have access to sport opportunities in our community! The Municipality of North Perth is a supporter of the North Perth Sports For Kids Fund. This fund provides financial aid to families with financial need or extenuating circumstances. If you require financial aid, please complete the form North Perth Sports for Kids Fund and email it to

*Please email following submission of Sports for Kids Fund or other source of financial support for registered recreation programs

Registered Recreation Programs

For a full list of programs being offered or to register for a program please check our registration software Univerus

To register or see dates for program please use our new registration software 

Minor Basketball Program: Children in grades 1-8 are invited to register for North Perth Minor Basketball program.  Children will learn and develop new skills while encouraging team play in a fun, active and healthy learning environment.  

Interested volunteers are asked to email to assist as a volunteer coach.

To register or see dates for program please use our new registration software 

Volleyball: Youth ages 11-17 are invited to register for North Perth Girls Volleyball program.  Participants will learn and develop new skills while encouraging team play in a fun, active and healthy learning environment. 

8 Week Girl Soccer Program for ages 6-12yrs

This program will use activities to develop important basic motor skills. Overall the program will be FUN, active and will provide young girls with an opportunity to develop their fundamental skills and increased knowledge of the game

The North Perth Programs Department holds high value in their programs. It is required by participants to follow our Municipal policies and procedures and terms of participation.

For this program you must wear soccer cleats or running shoes and shin pads. 

Drop-In Recreation Programs

Badminton Ages 18+
Location: Listowel District Secondary School
Dates: Tuesdays (Begins Oct. 22, 2024)
Time: 8pm-10pm
Cost: FREE!

*No Program Dates on: School Holidays/PA Days/School Events and/or Closures due to weather. Please watch our website and social media pages for updates

Men's Basketball  Ages 18+
Location: Listowel District Secondary School
Dates: Thursdays (Begins Oct. 31, 2024)
Time: 6pm-10pm
Cost: Contact Jeff;

*No Program Dates on: School Holidays/PA Days/School Events and/or Closures due to weather

Cricket  Ages 18+
Location: Listowel District Secondary School
Dates: Fridays (Begins Nov. 1, 2024)
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm 
Cost: FREE!

*No Program Dates on: School Holidays/PA Days/School Events and/or Closures due to weather

New - Fun - Challenging! 

All workouts can be modified to suit individual participants needs and fitness level. FITNESS that is meant for all ages, phases and stages of exercise.  Classes will include using your own body weight, dumbbells and some circuits.  Please bring a mat and dumbbells.

Location: Listowel- Steve Kerr Memorial Complex 
Dates: September 16 - December 16, 2024
Times: 6:30-7:30
Fee: 10.00/ class

Pickleball Ages 18+
Location: Westfield Public School
Dates: Wednesdays (Begins Oct. 23, 2024)
Time: 7pm-9pm 
Cost: FREE!

*No Program Dates on: School Holidays/PA Days/School Events and/or Closures due to weather

Adult Co-ed Recreational Outdoor Soccer 20yrs+ 
Location:  Elma Township Public School 
Dates: Thursdays (Starting Oct. 24, 2024) 
Time: 7-9pm
Cost: FREE!

 *Program is weather dependent. If the field is too wet please wait until the week after to attend the program. 

Women's Volleyball: 18+
Location: Elma Township Public School - Location is subject to change
Dates: Mondays (Begins Sept. 24, 2024)
Time: 7pm-9pm
Cost: FREE!
For Program Details Contact: Laura Lee 519-998-3629

Adult Volleyball League:  Drop In
Location: LDSS
Dates: Mondays (Begins Oct. 21, 2024)
Time: 7pm-9pm

For Program Details Contact: Natalie at



Rowan's Law

Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 makes it mandatory for sports organizations to:

  1. Ensure athletes under 26 years of age, parents of athletes under 18, coaches, team trainers and officials confirm every year that they have reviewed Ontario's Concussion Awareness Resources
  2. Establish a Code of Conduct that sets out rules of behaviour to support concussion prevention
  3. Establish a Removal-from-Sport and Return-to-Sport protocol

As a Municipality providing recreation programming, North Perth is considered a sports organization under this law. To participate in our recreation programs, participants and their parents/guardians must:

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