Recreation Camp Package
Welcome to North Perth Day Camp! Below is all the need-to-know information for our camper's parents/guardians. Please contact us if you have any questions! Programs may be subject to change or cancellation.
Weekly Summer Camp Newsletters (What to bring, special weekly events, etc.)
The Municipality of North Perth is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and quality camp program that encourages and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle and healthy child development. All program staff receive training in leadership, program planning, communication, emergency management, behaviour management and problem solving. Our camp staff are energetic, dedicated, ready to play and strive to provide and plan a variety of activities and outings such as; Active Games, Crafts, Skating, Swimming, Library, Fire Hall, Parks and more! *Outings and activities are season dependent.
Sign your child up for camp and give them the opportunity to explore the six C's:
- Creativity
- Co-operation
- Commitment
- Competence
- Confidence
- Caring environment
Wellness and Health Camp Policies & Procedures
Wellness - If your child(ren) has any, cold of flu like signs and/or symptoms at any time during the program; Parents/Guardians will be called and immediate child pick-up is required
- Attendance - Staff will complete attendance and sign-in/drop-off procedures for all individuals in attendance
- Masks - North Perth Programs and facilities continue to be a ‘mask-friendly’ environment
- Physical Distancing - Children will be encouraged to follow these guidelines as directed by the Province and Public Health
- Hand Hygiene - Appropriate hand hygiene and sanitation is expected to be followed during camp activities by all participants
- Cleaning/Disinfecting - Camp supplies, equipment and facilities will be cleaned, sanitized and disinfected regularly and as needed
Age for Camp
- PA Day camps: Children in Grade 1 up to 12 years old.
- Summer Camp: Children going into Grade 2 in the Fall (and older). Refer to specific camps for ages.
For those in kindergarten, please contact the North Perth-Spinrite Child and Family Centre for their Kinder Camp program.
Payment Policy and Payment Options
Payment Policy:
- Camp registration is not guaranteed until payment is received
- Specialty Camps: Space is limited and must be paid in full at time of registration
- Daily/Weekly Camps: Camp fees are payable and due in advance 30 days prior to the child attending the registered camp. If registering for any camp within 30 days of camp; payment is due at the time of registration.
Payment Options:
- Univerus Registration Software: Credit card
- At the Municipal Office Monday - Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm with cash, cheque, debit, credit card
- Mailing in a cheque or placing a cheque in the drop box for after hour payments at 330 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
- Registered days are considered paid days and may not be switched for alternate days after registration
- Refunds will not be issued for withdrawal of program
- Credit will be determined at the discretion of the Program Coordinator following written notice from the parent/guardian for Medical and/or Family Emergencies only
- An administration fee may apply
- North Perth reserves the right to cancel any programs that fail to meet the minimum registration numbers.
- Participants may be offered a refund, credit on account or opportunity to transfer to another available class if the program is cancelled by the Municipality of North Perth.
What to bring to Camp
- Backpack
- Healthy snacks - AM & PM (peanut free)
- Healthy lunch (peanut free)
- Refillable Water Bottle
- Running shoes
- Skates and helmet (winter camps)
- Bathing suit and towel (summer camps)
- Plastic bag for wet supplies
- Sunscreen, Bug Spray
- Hat
Please do not send money, toys, electronic equipment, water guns, or valuables. The Municipality of North Perth is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please label all items with your child’s first and last names.
Arrival and Dismissal
Recreation Day Camp hours are from 8:30am-4pm.
Extended care is available and must be pre-registered for at time of registration. Drop-off/Pick-up times are subject to change based on availability and staff/camper ratios.
- As part of our safe arrival and dismissal procedure, parents or guardians must sign their child in and out of camp and ensure a counsellor has been addressed. (Campers are not to be dropped off prior to their paid pre-registered drop-off time)
- Program participants will only be released to those indicated by the parent or guardian.
- If your child is sick, needs to leave early or will be absent from camp; parents/guardians must contact the camp staff directly by calling the camp cell (519-573-2532) and leaving a message or speaking with a counsellor.
- Parents are kindly asked to pick up their children at the approved pre-registered time. Late pick-ups increase our staff costs; therefore, an administrative fee will apply
Medical Information
- To help us set your child up for a successful camp experience, please share with us any allergies, medical conditions or behavior's we may need to be aware of prior to camp by completing and indicating this on the Registration Form.
- Medication Administration Form (if applicable) must be completed prior to the first day of camp
- We are only able to accommodate and treat minor first aid injuries. If a camper is unable to resume participation, parents will be notified to pick up the camper. In the case of major/sudden illness or injury, emergency services will be utilized
Behaviour Management and Expectations
It is the Municipality's goal to provide a safe, secure and healthy environment for all children. The RZone Policy, Camp rules and regulations are designed for all campers and staff safety.
- The RZone is a ZERO Tolerance policy that applies to all Municipality of North Perth buildings, facilities, programs, parks and trails. The goal of this policy is to promote a positive, secure, safe and supportive environment for all members of the public and staff
- What does RZone mean?
- Respect for yourself
- Respect for others
- Responsibility for your actions
- This policy enforces ZERO tolerance of: Violence, Vandalism, Inappropriate Behaviour
- Camp Rules: Hands Off Policy, Challenge Yourself, Meet Someone New, Ask Permission, Listen to the Leaders, Respect, Have Fun
- All participant situations will be assessed on an individual basis. The following circumstances may warrant the participant being temporarily suspended or resulting in termination from the program;
- Non-payment of fees
- Violence, Vandalism, Inappropriate Behaviour
- Assault or threat of assault by parent/guardian/participant will result in immediate termination
- Parent/guardian/participants use of abusive and/or inappropriate language
- Any destructive, violent behaviour by a child that is harmful to the child, staff, property, or other individuals present
- Non-compliance with the policies and procedures for the program
Participation Expectations
The Municipality of North Perth holds a high value of participation amongst our programs to ensure we provide a safe, secure and healthy environment for all participants. We require all participants to participate fully in our programs, follow our Behaviour Management Guidelines and bring all necessary items required to participate in our planned programs
The Municipality of North Perth follows a 3-Step Action Plan for all North Perth Municipal Programs offered. Staff will keep detailed incident reports, participation forms, and/or logs of incidents as they occur and communicate with Parents/Guardians. Staff will inform parents/guardians of the participants behaviour if it disrupts the program (fighting, bullying, swearing, stealing, hitting and general misbehaviour.) Staff will work with the participant and Parent/Guardian for positive behaviour outcomes during the communication stage.
When a participant does not follow the behavior guidelines as communicated, we will take the following action steps.
Step 1: Verbal Acknowledgement
Step 2: Written Acknowledgment
Step 3: Dismissal/Termination of Program
*All participant situations will be assessed on an individual basis and may warrant immediate dismissal of program at the discretion of the Program Supervisor. There will be no refund of fees for this day.
Offsite Trips and Excursions
- A Bus Trip Permission form must be signed and returned for all out of town bus trips
- Please ensure all participants are at camp on time for scheduled trips and excursions. All offsite community and excursions are subject to differing arrival and departure times. The Municipality of North Perth Summer Day Camp has the right to cancel bus trips and excursions due to inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances.
- Swimming: All campers will be tested on the first day of camp swimming and placed in Lifejackets as needed
Camp Evaluations
We evaluate our programs using the following 5 High Five Parameters
- Leader to child interactions
- Supervision and safety
- Child to child interactions
- Leader behaviour and interactions
- Program characteristics and supports
About our Staff
The Municipality of North Perth is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and quality camp program that encourages and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle and healthy child development. All program staff receive training in leadership, program planning, communication, emergency management, behaviour management and problem solving. Our staff are also required to complete:
- Standard First Aid and CPR-C
- Police records check with vulnerable sector screening
- High Five training
- Camps on T.R.A.C.K.S. training
Our camps are part of the Camps on TRACKS program. This program is made to teach campers social skills to help create an Inclusive Camp experience for all while making friend and having fun together. TRACKS stands for:
- Try again
- Right thing
- Assist
- Congratulate
- Keep Trying
- Show
We believe that everyone has the right to participate. We have leaders available to help integrate children of all abilities into our camp programs. Space is limited for this service. Contact us for more details.
We would love to hear from you! Let us know how we are doing. Call or e-mail us with your comments, or submit our program evaluation form.
Camp Forms
The following forms are required:
- Online Registration/Consent
- Medication Administration form (if applicable)
- Offsite Bus Trip Permission Form (if applicable)
Contact Us
Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993
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