Dog Park
Following the guidelines, developing a dog park in North Perth is to be a community-driven project. The community-driven nature of this project is supported by the experience of many other municipalities, where the success of such an area is dependent upon a designated group of community volunteers who use the facility and are willing to share in ongoing responsibility for the operations and maintenance of the facilities.
Steps to develop a dog park in North Perth
The proposed steps to develop a dog park in North Perth are;
Step 1: Council adopts, in principle, the guidelines for the development of a dog park in North Perth. Adopted July 5, 2021
Step 2: Guidelines are posted on the municipal website, including a call for interested parties to form a dog park group. Posted July 12, 2021
Step 3: Interested community members come together to form a dog park group. A dog park group has been established.
Step 4: Dog park group works with municipal staff on location, criteria, design and cost estimates. Site selected, north of the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex.
Step 5: Council approves location of a dog park (approved) and design (in progress).
Step 6: Fundraising campaign for park development led by dog park group. We are here!
Step 7: Once the funds are obtained, Council considers approval for development of dog park.
Step 8: Dog park is developed.
Step 9: Dog park opens; dog park group provides education to the public on safe dog park use; municipal staff provide grounds maintenance.
Step 10: Ongoing communication between dog park group and municipal staff; any future maintenance and repair costs to be fundraised by dog park group.
Contact Us
Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993
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