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  • North Perth Introduces Youth Impact Award

    The Municipality of North Perth is thrilled to announce the launch of the Youth Impact Award, an initiative designed to recognize and celebrate the remarkable contributions of our young citizens. We believe in acknowledging the positive impacts our youth have on society and are inviting nominations from the public.

    This prestigious Youth Impact Award aims to spotlight individuals who have shown exemplary leadership, innovation, or commitment to community services. Whether through volunteering, activism or different inspiring ways, these young individuals are sparking positive change for a brighter future and leading by example within our community.

    Nominate Today!

  • Listowel Memorial Arena Park ‘59 Official Opening

    North Perth, February 28, 2025 – The Municipality of North Perth is proud to announce the official opening of the Memorial Arena Park, a commemorative space honouring the lives lost in the tragic collapse of the Listowel Arena structure in 1959. This community park stands on the site of the former Listowel Memorial Arena, serving as a lasting tribute to the victims, their families, and the resilience of our community in the face of adversity.

    On Saturday, February 28, 1959, at approximately 9:27 am, an unforeseen disaster struck during a peewee hockey practice at the Listowel Arena, claiming the lives of seven young hockey players and one adult. Thirteen others were injured when the roof and walls of the rink section collapsed, leaving a legacy of grief and remembrance.

  • Municipality of North Perth Concludes Significant Weather Event

    As of 9:00 a.m. on February 20, 2025, The Municipality of North Perth has concluded its Significant Weather Event. Our crews are hard at work commencing cleanup efforts following the recent winter storms. Please proceed with caution while traveling throughout the community as these cleanup activities continue.

    For more information on winter maintenance, visit:

  • Municipality of North Perth Declares Significant Weather Event

    North Perth, February 16, 2025 – At 12:00 p.m. local time, The Municipality of North Perth officially declared a significant weather event as per Ontario Regulation 239/02. This declaration applies to all Municipality of North Perth roads and does not apply to provincial, county, or neighbouring municipal roadways. According to the Provincial regulation, the definition of a Significant Weather Event indicates there is “an approaching or occurring weather hazard with the potential to pose a significant danger to users of the highways within a municipality.” “A large weather system with deteriorating conditions is moving through the area. Heavy snow accumulations and strong winds are expected to continue into Monday.,” said Matt Ropp, Manager of Operations. “Declaring a Significant Weather Event allows North Perth operations staff to continue road maintenance in a safe and responsible manner during severe and hazardous weather. North Perth winter operations will continue through the difficult weather conditions but could mean road maintenance may take longer than usual. North Perth plows will operate as long as it is safe to do so.”

  • North Perth Fire Department Expands Safety Initiatives and Training Opportunities

    North Perth, February 6, 2025 – The North Perth Fire Department is pleased to announce the endorsement of mitigation strategies intended to reduce grain bin and silo emergencies in our community. Strategies approved by North Perth Council at its December 16, 2024, meeting include: the creation of a public safety announcement focused on grain bin safety, continued collaboration with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, the promotion of low-cost Confined Space Awareness, and Lock-Out Tag-Out course offerings locally, and the addition of six 4-gas meters available for loan from the North Perth Public Library.

  • North Perth Fire Department Strengthens Commitment to Firefighter Safety

    North Perth, January 28, 2025 – January is Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month. In recognition, the Municipality of North Perth is reinforcing its commitment to protecting its firefighters from occupational cancer risks. With cancer remaining a leading cause of firefighter line-of-duty deaths across North America, the Municipality is taking proactive measures to safeguard the health and well-being of its volunteer firefighters.

    Firefighters are exposed to numerous carcinogens because of their work at emergency scenes, making cancer prevention a top priority. The Municipality has purchased advanced equipment and enhanced protocols to reduce exposure. Some of the equipment purchased was made possible through the Firefighter Protection Grant from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, a three-year funding program to support specific cancer prevention measures.

  • North Perth Council Signs On To Farm 911/ “The Emily Project”

    North Perth, January 20, 2025 – At its meeting on December 16, 2024, the Council of the Municipality of North Perth endorsed a motion to sign on to the Farm 911/Emily Project initiative. This action follows a request from the North Perth Agricultural & Agri-Business Advisory Committee, a committee established by Council during the current term.

    The mission of the Farm 911/Emily Project is to improve emergency service response times in rural communities by encouraging landowners to place civic address signs at field entrances on vacant farm parcels. The initiative, sparked by a tragic incident in 2014, has gained traction across Ontario, emphasizing safety and accessibility in remote locations.

  • 6.29% Property Tax impact for residential properties in North Perth

    At the North Perth Council Meeting held on Monday, January 6, 2025, the Council of the Municipality of North Perth approved the 2025 Business Plan and Consolidated Budget. The budget strategically prioritizes funding for essential municipal services, aligning with residents’ expectations for service delivery while investing in necessary current and future infrastructure and minimizing tax increases.

  • North Perth Passes Motion Supporting “Solve the Crisis” Campaign

    North Perth, November 4, 2024 – The Council of the Municipality of North Perth demonstrated its commitment to tackling the growing mental health, addictions, and homelessness crisis by passing a motion at the regular council meeting on October 21, 2024. The motion aligns North Perth with the “Solve the Crisis” campaign, initiated by Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM), emphasizing the urgent need for action from provincial and federal governments.

    Mayor Todd Kasenberg spoke on the urgency of the situation: "Being a municipal elected official, I have a seat a bit closer to the ice surface than many on the significant issues facing not just our community, but all communities. While the Solve the Crisis initiative was launched and is being sustained by Ontario's Big City Mayors, the problems on which they are inviting action are our problems too. Housing affordability and homelessness are near the top of our list of issues. Our platform for those living with mental health compromises is in some ways less rich because we are a small community, with services either missing or located in the cities - meaning travel elsewhere.

  • Celebrate and Connect with the North Perth Public Library for Ontario Public Library Week

    The North Perth Public Library invites the community to Connect and Celebrate Ontario Public Libraries for Ontario Public Library Week with events all week long. Including:

    ·       Free Library card sign up or replacement

    ·       Draws for prizes

    ·       Programs

    ·       Meet Pete the Cat

    ·       Giveaways

    ·       Storywalk


    Join us for Celebrate & Connect at the Listowel Branch: Saturday October 19 from 10-3, Atwood Branch: Monday October 21 from 12-5, or Monkton Branch: Thursday October 24 from 3-8

Contact Us

Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3

Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993

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