Have your say on priorities for North Perth's Council composition and ward boundary review!
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The Municipality of North Perth has engaged Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. and Dr. Robert J. Williams to conduct a comprehensive and independent review of its Council composition and ward boundaries. This review is being undertaken to ensure an effective and equitable system of representation in advance of the 2026 municipal election.
This review will be undertaken in two phases:
The attached map shows each of the three wards in North Perth: Elma, Listowel and Wallace. If you are unsure of what ward you are in, you can use the interactive map. Type your address into the address bar on the top left hand side of the map.
Have your say on priorities for North Perth's Council composition and ward boundary review!
Visit yoursaynorthperth.ca to ask questions and participate in engagement for this project.
Phase One Materials and Decisions
At its meeting of July 10, 2023 Council received the Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. Council Composition & Ward Boundary Review Phase One Report and provided the following direction with respect to Phase Two of the review:
Results from Phase Two of the review and final ward boundary options will be presented to Council at the November 20, 2023 meeting.
Phase Two Materials and Decisions
Background Reports and Documents
Council Composition and Ward Boundary Review FAQs
Council Composition Background Document
Discussion Paper A: The North Perth Electoral System
Discussion Paper B: What is the Optimal Size for North Perth's Municipal Council?
Discussion Paper C: The Component Parts of North Perth Council
Discussion Paper D: The Method of Election for Councillors
Discussion Paper E: Ward Magnitudes in North Perth
Discussion Paper F: Guiding Principles to Design Wards
Discussion Paper G: Is a Ward Boundary Review Necessary?
Phase 2 Preliminary Options - Ward Boundary Review
North Perth's Council composition and ward boundaries have not been reviewed since its current structure was established in 1999.
The Municipality of North Perth is divided into three wards: Elma, Listowel and Wallace. North Perth Council is comprised of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and eight ward Councillors.
Contact Us
Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993
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