Approaching the roundabout
When you approach the roundabout:
- Slow down
- Keep to the right of the splitter island
- Pay special attention to pedestrians who may be crossing the roadway
- Yield to cyclists and any traffic already driving through the roundabout
- Stop if there are vehicles already inside the roundabout and the way is not clear
- Enter when there is a safe gap in traffic
Driving in roundabout
When you are in the roundabout:
- Keep to the right of the centre island and drive in a counter-clockwise direction until you reach your exit
- Don't pass large vehicles (e.g. tractor trailers, farm equipment, snow plows)
- Don't stop inside the roundabout, except to avoid a collision
Leaving the roundabout
To exit the roundabout:
- Use your right-turn signal
- If you miss your exit, continue around the roundabout again and then exit