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Prosper in Perth

Youth from various backgrounds and sectors have chosen to make North Perth home. Who makes the move to rural Ontario? You will find these youth:

  • Value a strong sense of community;
  • Want their free time spent with friends and family, pursuing hobbies or simply relaxing – not commuting;
  • Seek homeownership;
  • Aspire to have a high quality of life;
  • Believe in raising their families in safe, healthy communities;
  • Have entrepreneurial spirits; and
  • Feel inspired by stunning, natural landscapes.

Why choose North Perth?

We have developed profiles of several local youth, as well as some manufacturing and agricultural career cards, to give you an idea of what North Perth can offer you. More profiles from throughout Perth County can be found on the Perth County website.

Prosper in Perth County Videos

Gray Ridge

Gabel Electric Plumbing & HVAC

Benshaw Canada Controls

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