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Work In North Perth

Discover a wide array of services available in North Perth and Perth County tailored to help you find the perfect job and build your skills. Our comprehensive resources are here to support your career growth and professional development.

Resources for Job Seekers and Employers

There are many services available in North Perth and Perth County to help you find the perfect job or build your skills.

  • Partners in Employment works with job seekers and employers to match talents and skills to employers recruitment needs. There is a Partners in Employment office located at 230 Main Street W., Listowel.
  • Set7 Skills and Technology Training Centre provides world class training to employees, employers and job seekers throughout the region.
  • Conestoga Career Centre provides job search assistant, career advice, job postings, and education and training information to the public.
  • Employment Ontario can help you get training, skills and experience to achieve your goals. This service connects people looking for work with employers looking for workers.
  • Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade provides employment programs for people under 30, as well as hiring and training incentives for employers. Employers can learn more about provincial hiring incentives on our Incentives and Funding page.
  • Ontario Works can help you find, prepare for and keep a job. This assistance may include workshops on resume writing and interviewing, job counselling, job-specific training, and access to basic education.

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