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North Perth Services for Agriculture and Agri-Business

The Municipality of North Perth strives to support our thriving agricultural sector. This section of the website is dedicated to guiding through various municipal programs related to the industry. Other helpful external resources can be found here. If you have any inquiries or questions about where to start your search, contact North Perth AgriLink.

Animal Services

  • Administered through the Clerk’s Department 
  • Report Diseased/Injured Wildlife
  • Dog Tags & Kennel Licensing
  • Livestock Predation - Livestock and poultry producers are entitled to make claims to their local municipality for livestock or poultry injuries and kills due to predation by coyotes, dogs, wolves, and other wildlife under the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
    • Notify a nearby Municipal Predation Investigator (Livestock Valuer) within 48 hours of discovering the injury or death of your livestock or poultry.
    • Preserve the injury/kill site. Do not move, destroy, or dispose of the carcass(es) or evidence until the investigator agrees it/they can be disposed of or destroyed. An exception may be made if this contravenes Ontario Regulation 106/09 of the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.To preserve the site, avoid walking in or around the area, place a tarp over the carcass(es), add lime around the site, and take photos of the injuries/carcass(es) and scene.
    • If an animal sustained an injury, immediately seek veterinary care or other humane treatment options to prevent further suffering. Veterinary care costs are eligible under this program up to the Fair Market Value of the livestock. All receipts and invoices should be saved and submitted with the application.
    • Download and fill out the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Form

Building and Planning

Our Building and Planning Department is here to help farms and agri-businesses in planning, designing, and building a better North Perth. 


Applicable Agricultural Building Codes

Permits for:

  • Construction of a new building or structure
  • Repairing, renovating, adding-to, or demolishing existing buildings
  • Erecting a Sign
  • Septic System Installation

Inspections for construction/renovation projects:

  • Excavation, Foundation & Site Drainage
  • Plumbing, HVAC & Septic Services
  • Framing
  • Air Barrier & Insulation/Vapour barrier
  • Occupancy & Final Building Inspection



  • County & Municipal Official Plans
  • Interactive Zoning Maps
  • Zoning changes for On-Farm Diversified Uses
  • Surplus Farm Dwelling Severances
  • On-Farm Additional Residential Units (ARUs) & Boarding Houses
  • Livestock Facility Construction & Expansion (MDS)

For a list of area Nutrient Management Consultants, visit our External Resources Page

Agri-Business Facility Development & Servicing Support

Projects located within a floodplain may be subject to review from the Maitland Valley Conservation Area. To view areas under their jurisdiction and relevant permit and contact info, visit the MVCA Website.

Burn Permits

A burn permit is required for all non-recreational fires exceeding 3 meters (10 feet) in diameter). To obtain a burn permit, fill out an application form available through the Request Portal. Requests must be submitted 24hrs in advance OR by Thursday at 3pm prior to a weekend burn.

For all rules and regulations on open-air burning, please reference North Perth By-Law 37-2022

Noise By-Law

Noise generated from any equipment, apparatus or device used in agriculture for food crop seeding, chemical, spraying & harvesting, or persistent farm animal calling, are generally exempt from the Municipality’s Noise Bylaw.

North Perth AgriLink and the North Perth Agricultural Specialist work collaboratively with North Perth Economic Development staff and the Perth County Economic Development and Tourism Department. Services Include:

  • Community Betterment
  • Business Plan & Marketing Assistance
  • Workforce Talent Attraction & Development
  • Tourism
  • Available Development Land & Buildings
  • Mentorship & Networking Events

Perth County Economic Development & Tourism provide business support to farms & the agri-food industry throughout the county. Check out their Business Resources and Support Programs for helpful programs as: 

Check out our Funding & Grant Opportunities Page to discover current programs aimed at helping the sector grow & prosper.

The Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation (OWDC) Program provides financial assistance to owners whose livestock, poultry and or/honey bees have been damages or killed by wildlife. Livestock owners must notify their municipality within 48 hours of discovering the injury or death of livestock or poultry or discovering damage to beehives. 

To report a dead animal on a municipal road or property, please call the Public Works Department at 519-292-2067 or report it online.

All new road access points for laneways, driveways, and field entrances require permits. Please contact the Operations Department to set up a inspection and to receive the paperwork. 

North Perth does not accept bulk agricultural plastic at the Elma Landfill. 

The following ag-related materials are accepted at the landfill in good condition free of charge:

  • Tires (up to 10/day) 
  • Wire fence (no posts) 
  • Compost, leaves, brush and tree branches (no construction/Waste Food)
  • Scrap Metal

Set7 Skills & Technology Career Training Program

The Set7 training program offers training and growth opportunities for individuals through online and in-person instruction at various campuses located throughout North Perth. Employees, jobseekers and those looking to upgrade skills are encouraged to attend and earn certificates towards their career goals. Contact Set7 today for the full offering of current training opportunities.

Courses Include: 

  • Skills Upgrading Courses
  • English (ESL) Courses for Temporary Foreign Workers
  • Health & Safety Training

North Perth is responsible for the maintenance, repair and improvement of all municipal drain infrastructure in the municipality. Find municipal drain maps, forms, and contact information here. 

North Perth offers the Tile Drainage Loan Program through OMAFRA, providing financing of 75% of a tiling project up to $50,000. Applications must be approved prior to the commencement of the work. and an inspection must be performed by the drainage superintendent while in progress. 

North Perth Council appoints Fence Viewers to enforce the Line Fences Act. The Line Fences Act provides a procedure for resolution of line fence disputes between the owners of adjoining properties. Line fences are fences that mark the boundary between properties; they are often referred to as boundary or division fences. This Act applies to both residential and non-residential fences.

Contact Us

Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3

Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993

Matt Cardiff
Agricultural Specialist 
Email the Agricultural Specialist
Municipality of North Perth, 330 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
T: 519-492-1141
Toll Free: 888-714-1993
F: 519-291-1804
Map this Location.

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