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North Perth Events and Workshops

You can view business and development-related events and workshops hosted by us, our partners, or other organizations on our Business and Development Calendar

Set7 Skills & Technology North Perth & Region

Set7 Skills and Technology North Perth and Region is an initiative of the Municipality of North Perth. Set7 focuses on offering training and growth opportunities for individuals through online and in-person instruction at various campuses located throughout North Perth, including the Learning Space at the Elma Memorial Community Centre in Atwood. Employees, job seekers, and those looking to upgrade their skills are encouraged to attend and earn certificates toward their career goals.

Learn more about Set7 by visiting the Set7 website or contacting the Training Coordinator.

Other events and workshops

The Stratford Perth Centre for Business offers workshops for new and expanding small businesses in Perth County. You can view their event and workshop calendar by visiting their website.

The Conestoga Career Centre provides job search assistance, career advice, job postings, and education and training information to the public. You can view their event calendar by visiting their website.

Contact Us

Kimberley Kowch
Economic Development Officer
Email the Economic Development Officer
Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3
T: 519-292-2043
Toll Free: 888-714-1993

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