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All Buildings - New, Additions, Repairs/Improvements

All new buildings and proposed renovations or additions require a permit unless the building is less than 10 square meters and has no plumbing.    

A permit requirement vary depending on the type and scope/size of the project.  To assist you in starting the application process, we have compiled a list of required forms and documents below.

Certain projects such as commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential, will need to undergo the Site Plan Review process before obtaining a building permit. Please reach out if you are unsure about this requirement for site plan approval.  It is important to note that the Site Plan Review process can take several weeks so it is recommended to start this process as early as possible.   

Permit Application - Forms and Guidelines for Building/Structure Permits

Click here to go to our Forms/Documents Page to download any forms listed below.

* signifies additional documents that might be required depending on your project

This is part of the Cloud Permit Process and done through the software, no additional document is required when submitting through CloudPermit

A property layout plan is a visual representation of the arrangement and dimensions of structures, features, and boundaries on a piece of land, showing the placement of buildings, driveways, utilities, and landscaping in relation to property lines and zoning requirements.

Identifies the responsible party for the construction project, ensuring accountability.

a. If property owner is taking accountability, please fill out the form and reason for exemption is “homeowner” and BCIN not required.

b. If 600 meters squared (1968 square feet) or larger, not needed and commitment to general review form is required

Ensuring the current property owner grants permission to either construct themselves or to have another party, such as a contractor or builder, to apply for and manage a building permit on their behalf.

If new build or addition, we required the engineered stamped truss package at the time of application and before plans examination can begin.  

Required by Professional Engineer or Architect on projects greater than 600 meters squared/6458 square feet 

Requires its own separate permit for new or repaired septic systems.

New Construction, Additions and major renovations to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements of the OBC

Detailed drawings for HVAC, Plumbing, and Electrical documents for most new construction and major renovation projects.

New Construction or land use changes on properties adjacent to agricultural operations done by a certified professional

Required for new or expanding agricultural operations that generate manure or other agricultural wase

Contact Us

Municipality of North Perth
330 Wallace Avenue North
Listowel, ON N4W 1L3

Tel: 519-291-2950
Toll Free: 1-888-714-1993

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