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Planning, Development and Zoning

Our Building and Planning Department is here to give you professional advice and recommendations on all types of planning applications and questions. They will confirm which application(s) you need and guide you through the application process. Please see below for a list of commonly requested planning, development and zoning documents and resources.

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS,2020) is the statement of the Government's policies on land use planning. It applies province-wide and provides clear policy direction on land use planning to promote strong communities, a strong economy, and a clean and healthy environment.

It includes policies on key issues that affect our communities, such as:

  • the efficient use and management of land and infrastructure;
  • protection of the environment and resources; and
  • ensuring appropriate opportunities for employment and residential development, including support for a mix of uses.

Municipalities use the PPS to develop their official plans and to guide and inform decisions on other planning matters.

The Planning Act establishes the rules for land use planning within Ontario and describes how land may be controlled. This Act was passed to:

  • promote sustainable economic development in a healthy natural environment within the provincial policy framework;
  • establish a land use planning system led by provincial policy; and
  • allow for the planning process to be fair by making it open, accessible and efficient.

Please review the Citizens' Guide 1 - The Planning Act by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for more information.

Depending on the type of development proposed, an application may need to be submitted to the North Perth Building and Development Department (i.e. Listowel Ward Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Minor Variance, Lifting Part-Lot Control, Site Plan Agreement) or the County Planning Department (i.e. County Official Plan Amendment, Plan of Subdivision or Condominium, Consent to Sever/Severance).

Our planning staff are available to answer questions. We encourage applicants to contact the Municipal Planner before submitting an application. 



The fee for planning applications is based on the type of application. Other costs, such as supporting studies, public agency review, surveying, legal agreements, peer review and other supporting material fees, are not listed within the Fee schedule but may be required.

Development charges are fees that help pay for growth-related capital costs of infrastructure and services for new development, including roads, water and sewer infrastructure, community centres, emergency services and facilities.

You can view the Municipality's current Development Charges By-law on the By-law and Enforcement page. You can also read the North Perth Development Charges Pamphlet, which summarizes the Municipality's policy with respect to Development Charges. Please contact the Building Department for information or questions on applicable development charges.

The North East Master Plan Area Development Charges Study and 2024 Development Charges Background Study were completed By Hemson Consulting Ltd., and they were approved by Council on August 26, 2024 with the Municipal-Wide coming into force January 1, 2025 and North East Master Plan Area coming into force August 26, 2024. Notice of passing can be found at 

Please refer to the By-law and Enforcement page for a copy of these by-laws.


NOTICE May 27, 2024: The updated North East Master Plan Area Development Charges Study

Draft DC NEMP By-Law

NOTICE June 13, 2024: The updated 2024 Development Charges Background Study is now available for public view. 

Draft 2024 DC Municipal-Wide By-Law

To help you with your planning, development and zoning questions/needs, we have included a table below that highlights who to contact for certain applications/topics:

Type of application Who to contact
Listowel Ward Official Plan Amendment North Perth
Zoning by-law Amendment North Perth
Minor Variance North Perth
Site Plan Agreement North Perth
Lifting Part Lot Control North Perth
County of Perth Official Plan Amendment County of Perth
Plan of Subdivision or Condominium County of Perth
Consent/severance County of Perth

Contact Us

Nathan Garland
County Planner
Email the Planner
620 Wallace Avenue South
Listowel, ON N4W 1Y4
519-271-0531 ext. 417

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